2011년 3월 15일 화요일
2009년 12월 9일 수요일
2009년 11월 28일 토요일
2009 자바원 Session PDF 다운로드
- Core Technology: Embedded / Real-Time / Java Card '
- Core Technology: Java EE
- Core Technology: Java SE and Desktop
- Mobility
- Rich Media Applications and Interactive Content
- Services: SOA Platform and Middleware Services
- Services: Web 2.0, Next Generation Web, and Cloud Services Platform
2009년 11월 24일 화요일
Oracle Coherence 3.5.1 Reference 정리
OTN 공식 배포 자료
목차 펼치기
1.1 Oracle Coherence for Java 3.5.2
1.1.1 Coherence*Web Enhancements and Fixes
1.1.2 Management Framework Fixes
1.1.3 Other Enhancements and Fixes
1.2 Oracle Coherence for .NET 3.5.2
1.3 Oracle Coherence for C++ 3.5.2
2 Documentation Errata
2.1 Changes to Defining a Data Grid
2.2 Changes to Production Checklist
2.3 Changes to Deliver Events for Changes as they Occur
2.4 Changes to Operational Configuration Deployment Descriptor
2.5 Changes to Links in the bdb-store-manager Element
2.6 Changes to the member-identity Element
2.7 Changes to the distributed-scheme Element
2.8 Changes to the tcp-acceptor Element
2.9 Additions to the Log Message Glossary
2.10 Using PofExtractors and PofUpdaters
2.10.1 Navigating a POF object
2.10.2 Using PofExtractors
2.10.3 Using PofUpdaters
목차 펼치기
2 Provide a Data Grid
3 Provide a Queryable Data Fabric
4 Cluster Your Objects and Data
5 Deliver Events for Changes as they Occur
6 Automatically Manage Dynamic Cluster Membership
7 Managing an Object Model
8 Overview for Implementors
9 Read-Through, Write-Through, Write-Behind, and Refresh-Ahead Caching
10 Coherence*Extend
11 Real Time Client—RTC
12 Clustering
13 Cluster Services Overview
14 Replicated Cache Service
15 Partitioned Cache Service
16 Near Cache
17 Storage and Backing Map
18 Local Storage
19 Local Cache
20 Best Practices
21 Network Protocols
22 The Coherence Ecosystem
23 Session Management for Clustered Applications
24 The Portable Object Format
25 PofExtractors and PofUpdaters
26 Installing Oracle Coherence
상세목차 펼치기
1.1 What is Coherence*Web?
1.2 Supported Web Containers
1.3 Installation and Deployment Road Map
1.3.1 Choose your Cluster Node Isolation
1.3.2 Choose your Locking Mode
1.3.3 Choose How to Scope Sessions and Session Attributes
1.3.4 Choose When to Clean Up Expired HTTP Sessions
1.3.5 Choose the Installation Method
2 Installing Coherence*Web on WebLogic Server 9.2 MP1 and 10.3
2.1 Overview of the Coherence*Web SPI
2.1.1 Location of the Coherence*Web SPI
2.1.2 Requirements for Using the Coherence*Web SPI
2.1.3 Coherence*Web SPI Configurations for the WebLogic Server
2.2 Overview Of Configuration and Deployment
2.2.1 Configuring and Starting a Cache Server
2.2.2 Packaging Applications and Configuring Cluster Nodes Packaging and Configuring Application Server-Scoped Cluster Nodes Packaging and Configuring EAR-Scoped Cluster Nodes Packaging and Configuring WAR-Scoped Cluster Nodes
2.2.3 Configuring Web Applications for Coherence*Web
2.3 Using SAML SSO with Coherence*Web
2.4 Known Limitations
3 Installing Coherence*Web on Other Application Servers
3.1 Installing Coherence*Web Using the WebInstaller
3.1.1 Application Server-Specific Installation Instructions Installing on Oracle WebLogic 10.x Installing on Caucho Resin 3.1.x
3.1.2 General Instructions for Installing Coherence*Web Session Management Module
3.1.3 Coherence*Web WebInstaller Ant Task Using the WebInstaller Ant task Configuring the WebInstaller Ant Task WebInstaller Ant Task Examples
3.1.4 Testing HTTP Session Management
3.1.5 How the Coherence*Web Installer Instruments a Java EE Application
3.1.6 Installing Coherence*Web into Applications using Java EE Security
4 Coherence*Web Session Management Features
4.1 Session Models
4.1.1 Traditional Model
4.1.2 Monolithic Model
4.1.3 Split Model
4.1.4 Session Model Recommendations
4.2 Session and Session Attribute Scoping
4.2.1 Session Scoping Preventing Web Applications from Sharing Session Data Keeping Session Cookies Separate
4.2.2 Session Attribute Scoping
4.3 Cluster Node Isolation
4.3.1 Application Server-Scoped Cluster Nodes
4.3.2 EAR-Scoped Cluster Nodes
4.3.3 WAR-Scoped Cluster Nodes
4.4 Session Locking Modes
4.4.1 Optimistic Locking (Default)
4.4.2 Member Locking
4.4.3 Application Locking
4.4.4 Thread Locking
4.4.5 Using Locking in HTTP Sessions
4.4.6 Enabling Sticky Session Optimizations
4.5 Deployment Topologies
4.5.1 In-Process
4.5.2 Out-of-Process
4.5.3 Out-of-Process with Coherence*Extend
4.6 Managing and Monitoring Applications with JMX
4.7 Cleaning Up Expired HTTP Sessions
4.7.1 Understanding the Session Reaper
4.7.2 Configuring the Session Reaper
4.8 Overriding the Distribution of HTTP Sessions and Attributes
4.8.1 Implementing a Session Distribution Controller
4.8.2 Registering a Session Distribution Controller Implementation
4.9 Configuring Coherence*Web with Coherence*Extend
4.9.1 Configuring Coherence*Web for Optimistic Locking
4.9.2 Configuring the Cache for Proxy and Storage JVMs
4.9.3 Configuring the Cache for Web Tier JVMs
5 Installing Coherence*Web on WebLogic Portal
5.1 Installing Coherence*Web with WebLogic Portal
상세목차 펼치기
1 Create and Use Coherence Caches
2 Implement Transactions, Locks, and Concurrency
3 Perform Continuous Query
4 Managing Map Operations with Triggers
5 Data Affinity
6 Query the Cache
7 Security Framework
8 Network Filters
9 Priority Tasks
10 Specifying a Custom Eviction Policy
11 Serialization Paged Cache
12 Pre-Loading the Cache
13 Constraints on Re-entrant Calls
Part II Testing and Tuning
14 Evaluating Performance and Scalability
15 Performing a Multicast Connectivity Test
16 Performing a Datagram Test for Network Performance
17 Configuring and Using Coherence*Extend
18 High Resolution Timesource (Linux)
19 Performance Tuning
Part III Managing and Monitoring Oracle Coherence
20 Setting Single Server Mode
21 How to Manage Coherence Using JMX
22 JMX Reporter
23 How to Create a Custom Report
24 How to Modify Report Batch
25 Analyzing Reporter Content
26 How to Run a Report on Demand
27 Configuring Custom MBeans
28 How to Manage Custom MBeans Within the Cluster
상세목차 펼치기
1.1 Downloading and Installing Coherence
1.2 Downloading and Installing JDeveloper
1.3 Testing a Coherence Installation
1.3.1 Troubleshooting Cache Server Clustering Restricting Coherence to Your Own Host Advanced Steps to Restrict Coherence to Your Own Host
2 Using JDeveloper with Coherence
2.1 Configuring Oracle JDeveloper for Coherence
2.2 JDeveloper Basics
2.2.1 Creating a New Application and Project
2.2.2 Creating a New Project in an Existing Application
2.2.3 Creating a Java Class
2.2.4 Changing Project Properties, Setting Runtime Configuration, and
2.2.5 Adding JARS and Libraries to the Project Classpath
2.3 Accessing the Data Grid from Java
2.4 Creating Your First Coherence-Based Java Application
3 Working with Complex Objects
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Creating and Caching Complex Objects
3.2.1 Creating the Data Objects
3.2.2 Creating the Complex Object
3.2.3 Creating the Driver Class
3.2.4 Creating Configuration Files and the Cache Server Executable
3.2.5 Running the Sample
4 Loading Data Into a Cache
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Populating a Cache with Domain Objects
4.3 Querying and Aggregating Data in the Cache
5 Listening for Changes and Modifying Data
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Creating a Cache Listener
5.3 Responding to Changes in the Cache
6 Using JPA with Coherence
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Mapping Relational Data to Java Objects with JPA
7 Interacting with the Cache and the Database
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Creating a Cache Application
7.3 Creating a Database Cache
8 Caching HTTP Sessions with Coherence*Web
8.1 Install Coherence*Web on WebLogic 10.X
8.2 Start a Cache Server
8.3 Configure the WebLogic Server
8.4 Deploy the coherence-web-spi JAR File
8.5 Create the Counter Web Application
8.6 Deploy the Application
8.7 Verify the Example
상세목차 펼치기
1.1 Obtaining a JPA Implementation
1.2 Conventions
1.3 Using the Coherence JpaCacheStore
1.3.1 Mapping the Persistent Classes
1.3.2 Configuring JPA
1.3.3 Configuring Coherence
1.3.4 Configuring the Persistence Unit
2 Integrating TopLink Grid and Oracle Coherence
2.1 Using TopLink Grid as the CacheStore for Coherence
2.1.1 Configuring an EclipseLinkJPACacheStore
2.2 Using Coherence as the Toplink Cache
2.2.1 Coherence and TopLink Grid API and Files
3 Integrating Hibernate and Oracle Coherence
3.1 Using Hibernate as a CacheStore for Coherence
3.1.1 HibernateCacheStore and HibernateCacheLoader API
3.1.2 Configuring a HibernateCacheStore
3.1.3 Configuration Requirements
3.1.4 JDBC Isolation Level
3.1.5 Fault-Tolerance
3.1.6 Extending HibernateCacheStore
3.1.7 Creating a Hibernate CacheStore Re-entrant Calls
3.1.8 Using Fully Cached DataSets Distributed Queries Detached Processing
3.2 Using Coherence as the Hibernate L2 Cache
3.2.1 Hibernate and Caching
3.2.2 Configuration and Tuning
3.2.3 Specifying a Coherence Cache Topology
3.2.4 Cache Concurrency Strategies
3.2.5 Query Cache
3.2.6 Fault-Tolerance
3.2.7 Deployment
4 Integrating an Oracle Coherence CacheFactory with Spring
5 Integrating WebLogic Portal and Oracle Coherence
5.1 P13N CacheProvider SPI Implementation
5.2 Sharing Data Between WSRP-Federated Portals Using Coherence
2009년 11월 17일 화요일
넷빈즈 설치 스크린 샷
넷빈즈가 벌써 6.8 Beta 버전 까지 나왔네요
오라클에서 썬을 인수한 관계로 넷빈즈가 향후 어떤 길을 걸어갈지 명확하지 않지만, 개인적으로는 넷빈즈는 오픈소스로 계속 진행될 것으로 생각됩니다. 오라클에는 JDeveloper라는 IDE가 있는 상태고 현재 Eclipse.org도 지원하는 상태이며,에 가보시면 OEPE라는 패키지로 Eclipse를 배포하고 있습니다.
얼마전 오라클 오픈월드 행사에서 넷빈즈에 관한 오라클의 명확한 입장 표명은 없었던것으로 보면 넷빈즈에 대한 관심도가 적은것이 아닌가 싶고요. 결과적으로 넷빈즈는 오픈진영에서 계속 존속하지 않을까? 합니다. 물론 넷빈즈가 썬 마이크로시스템즈의 스폰서를 받아서 운영된 것이 사실이고, 굉장히 활발히 업그레이드를 해온것은 사실이지만 이젠 어느정도 자생력이 생긴 커뮤니티가 아닐까? 합니다.
중요한 것은 넷빈즈의 기능이겠죠 현재 넷빈즈 6.8 베타는 대표적으로 다음과 같은 기능을 제공합니다.
- 자바 SE
- JavaFX
- 자바 웹과 EE
- Java ME
- 루비
- C/C++
- Groovy
넷빈즈는 범용 WAS를 모두 설정하여 사용할 수 있지만 다음과 같은 서버가 번들로 기본 포함되어 있습니다.
- Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude
- Apache Tomcat 6.0.18
넷빈즈 6.8 버전을 기준으로 설치 파일 사이즈는 273MB이며 설치에 필요한 디스크 사이즈는 823.8MB 입니다.
다음은 설치 스크린 샷입니다.
설치가 완료되면 "시작->모든 프로그램->NetBeans->넷빈 IDE 6.8 Beta" 메뉴를 통해서 넷빈즈를 시작할 수 있습니다. 넷빈즈를 시작하면 다음과 같은 초기 화면을 확인 할 수 있습니다.
넷빈즈 시작 Window
클릭하시면 풀 이미지를 확인 하실 수 있습니다.
2009년 11월 13일 금요일
Oracle XE 웹 콘솔 포트 변경
오라클 데이터베이스 중 XE 버전을 설치하여 개발환경을 구성하거나 작은 사이즈의 데이터베이스로 활용할 수 있습니다. 오라클 XE는 기본적으로 8080 포트를 이용하여 웹 콘솔을 구동하기 때문에 Tomcat이나 JBoss 같은 WAS를 사용할 경우 포트 충돌이 발생할 수 있습니다.
이런 문제는 Oracle XE의 http 포트를 변경하여 관련 이슈를 해결할 수 있습니다.
포트를 변경하는 방법은 다음과 같습니다.
- SQl Console 실행
- 시작--> Oracle 10g Database Express Edition -->SQL 명령줄 실행
- System user로 로그인
- connect system/{password}
- 현재 http port 조회
- SQL> select dbms_xdb.gethttpport as "HTTP-Port" from dual;
- HTTP-Port
- ----------
- 8080
- port 변경 plsql 실행
- SQL> begin
- 2 dbms_xdb.sethttpport('22222');
- 3 end;
- 4 /
- PL/SQL 처리가 정상적으로 완료되었습니다.
- 변경 http port 조회
- SQL> select dbms_xdb.gethttpport as "HTTP-Port" from dual;
- HTTP-Port
- ----------
- 22222
- Database restart
- http://localhost:22222/apex 페이지 접속 확인
이와 같은 절차에 따라 oracle xe의 웹 포트를 변경할 수 있습니다.
2009년 11월 6일 금요일
페이지를 reload 하지 않고 브라우저 URL 변경하기
var i = 0;
function changeURL(){
parent.location.hash = "image"+i;
<INPUT TYPE="submit" value="changeURL" onclick="changeURL()" />